Sunday, 17 August 2014

Tips For Getting Through High School

Hey everyone.
It's that time of year again where everyone is either back at or getting ready to go back to school/college/university and so I thought I'd do a quick post on the subject of high school. I've now been out of school for over a year and I don't know if this is the case for everyone, but I know that if I could have my time at school again I would definitely do things differently. It's as if as soon as you sit those final exams and have that old school shirt filled with signatures of people you never even spoke to that everything suddenly becomes a whole lot clearer. So, for all of those who are still at school I share with you some tips to get through those years.

Don't worry!
I think a lot of people wish they could go back in time and tell their younger self these two words. I spent a lot of my time at school worrying about small, pointless things. Things that would have no impact on my life whatsoever in ten years time. Didn't complete your homework on time? Fallen out with your friends and you now have nobody to sit with at lunch? Made a complete fool out of yourself in front of the guy/girl you like? DON'T WORRY! These things happen to everyone and these things will pass. When you're out earning a living these things will be irrelevant. It's bad enough stressing about exams. You don't need to add anything else to that stress. I can guarantee you by next week it'll be forgotten about. Even when it comes to the exams you really don't need to worry so much. Yes, they are important but if you put the work in then there's nothing more you can do! What's the point in worrying if you know that you've done all of the work and studying you can? Even if you don't get the final grades needed to get onto the course or into the uni that you want, there are other ways in which you can achieve that dream career. It may take a little longer but if you have the drive and right frame of mind you will get there!

Listen and talk to your teacher
Okay, okay, so there are some teachers that do spout a lot of bullshit and are the most unhelpful people on the planet. But the majority of teachers really do want you to do your best and want to see you achieve and be successful in their subject. They wouldn't be standing at the front of the classroom if they didn't. Listen to the advice they give you whether it be on studying or just life lessons in general. Remember, there was once a time that they were sitting at a desk, studying for exams and trying to figure out what they were going to do for the rest of their lives. And don't be afraid to go up and talk to them either. Ask the questions. Even if it doesn't have anything to do with school work. Sometimes it's easier to speak to a teacher about certain situations than your parents.

Ask for help
If you're struggling to keep up with the work or simply don't understand the question, don't just sit there in silence. I was terrible for that! I would always get anxious about speaking out in class and never raised my hand to answer a question. If I didn't understand something and I didn't have a friend in the class I would just sit there and pray that someone else would ask about it. Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you don't understand something then chances are you're not the only one. Teachers are there to help you. They won't laugh at you or shrug their shoulders in reply. Also, ask your classmates. You're all on the same boat here. Help each other out and work together!

Don't stress about the future
Don't know what you want to do when you leave school? Don't worry about it. I still don't know for sure what I want to do. There are people older than me who still don't really know what it is they want to do. You'll figure it out eventually. It may take you a few months or it may take you ten years. I know that when I was at school everyone made a huge deal about knowing what it was you wanted to do. Even if everyone else says they know what they want to do, chances are that it'll change somewhere along the line. I was set on becoming a nursery teacher so last year I studied Early Education & Childcare but after a year I decided that actually that wasn't what I wanted to do. I'm now about to start a Media & Communications course which is COMPLETELY different. When I was at school I didn't even think about a job in the media. The opportunities that are open to you are endless. So take your time and live in the present.

I hope some of these tips helped you out a little and if you have any more feel free to share them in the comments! Also, if you want any more tips or advice on specific topics then let me know and I'll see if I can help.
Until next time,
Elijah xo

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