Saturday, 4 October 2014

September '14 Favourites

It is officially my favourite time of the year! These last three months are my absolute fave! I love Autumn, Pumpkin Spice lattes, candles, cosy jumpers, fireworks and of course, Christmas! And with the beginning of October it means that it's time for me to share my September favourites. I will admit that there aren't really any new beauty favourites this month. It's been a month of using the same products over and over again. However, I do have a number of random favourites to share with you all.

Nakd. Bars
I have an addiction other than caffeine and it comes in the form of these raw fruit and nut bars. I've been eating these for a few months now, but it's only been in the past month that I've really been hooked on them. It's got to the stage that I'm having one pretty much every day. These bars are super healthy and are literally just a mixture of fruit and nuts! They come in a whole range of different flavours including Cocoa Delight, Cashew Cookie and Rhubarb & Custard. They have recently launched two new flavours, Bakewell Tart and Christmas Pud, which I'm excited to try (if I can get hold of them. I still haven't managed to find the Caffe Mocha flavour which I am pretty distraught about). Who needs a chocolate bar when you can eat these bars of goodness?!

Pumpkin Spice Lattes
IT IS THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN AND I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER! Yes, I am one of those avid lovers of the Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks. Every year I shed tears at the end of the season. The PSL is my favourite Starbucks drink of all time. Yes, I even prefer it to the Chai Tea Latte. I was super excited when I found out that they were launching them a month earlier this year! It's clear that these bad boys are high in demand and naturally I have been taking every opportunity to treat myself to one before they are replaced with the Christmas drinks.

MCM Comic Con '14
At the beginning of the month I went to Comic Con for the first time and it was AMAZING! One of the best weekends of my life. I won't speak too much about it here as I made this post a few weeks back talking about my experience. I'm so ready for next years event and am eagerly waiting for the tickets to go on sale.

Attack On Titan Hoodie
I have pretty much lived in this hoodie ever since I bought it at Comic Con. It's so soft and comfy and I am refusing to put it in the wash in fear that the softness will be lost. Does anyone else only put their hoodies in the wash like once a year? I feel like it's a completely normal thing to do and is in no way frowned upon. I have no regrets about spending £32 on this.

Doctor Who
It would be an injustice if I did not include Doctor Who in my favourites this month. September saw the 12th Doctor explode onto our screens and I have to say, so far Capaldi is doing a fucking fantastic job. I was unsure about how I would feel since Matt was my favourite Doctor (yes, I preferred him over David. Don't shoot). But I seem to have taking a shine to the new Doctor. I love how they decided to keep the Scottish accent and wish they did the same with David. The story lines still aren't the best. Much like a lot of Whovians, I prefer the stories of the Russell T. Davis days, but the series has still managed to hold my attention and continues to be one of my favourite TV shows.

[Photo credit to BBC]

And so another favourites post comes to a close. Let me know what you guys have been loving this month or if you've been loving any of the same things I have!
Until next time,
Elijah xo

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